
Film photographer, writer, Italian/American citizen. I’m at home in the countryside of Piedmont, or the heart of Los Angeles.

My writing is influenced by my training in cultural anthropology as well as my interest in adventure, travel, society, and culture. I’ve written & shot for Monocle, The Guardian, Roads & Kingdoms, The Art of Eating, Vice, Bon Appetit, Petits Propos Culinaires, Gastronomica, Food & Foodways, Digest Journal, and Whalebone. I publish a newsletter of short stories and photos at Art of the Escape. I was awarded an Artist Opportunity Grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts in 2024 for photography.

I’ve called Australia, London, Italy, the desert, and places in between home. I received my Ph.D. in anthropology from The University of Sydney, an M.A. in gastronomy/food culture from the University of Gastronomic Sciences, an M.A. in applied anthropology from Macquarie University, and my B.A. from Greenville College.

As an anthropologist, I use ethnographic methods and theories to study daily life, practices, and beliefs. I’ve done field research in various locals across the US, Europe, and Australia.